[Bay State Parent Magazine] February 2020 Issue: Editor's Favorite Things

February 01, 2020

[Bay State Parent Magazine] February 2020 Issue: Editor's Favorite Things

In the February 2020 Issue of "Bay State Parent Magazine", the editor notes of Perry Mackin's Toddler Harness Backpack, "I'd never though I'd be that mom that put her kid on a leash, but here we are. This isn't really a leash - it's an adorable, functional backpack with a harness. The Perry Mackin Toddler Harness Backpack isn't the only harnessed bag my 2-year-old has, but it's my favorite. I love that the rein is detachable (for when we don't need the "leash") and that it has an insulated interior (perfect for my little snack monster!).